Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gifts For Daughter For 3 Rd Birth Day

An egg on a secret mission - Funnel soap

The Dorte love me with her beautiful freihandgetrichterten clays soap infected - how can it be otherwise!
The Division had to be filled with the following recipe:

110 g coconut oil
150 g palm kernel oil
75 g cocoa butter
190 g almond oil
190 g rapeseed oil
40 g castor oil

10% too rich
30% liquid for liquor (distilled water and NaOH 1:1; remaining amount as a sheep's milk yogurt in the soap batter)

1 egg (mixed with yogurt) in the soap batter

scented with 20 g essential oil blend (lemon balm indicum, American Cedar, patchouli)
dyed with titanium dioxide, DC and DC remained Brilliant Pink Blue Green

Unfortunately, the glue is not as long as liquid as I would have wished for. Instead it was more an Einplatschen pour into the mold. So it was just not quite as fine layers * cough *.
has also so 'what - for my first getrichterte I am quite satisfied.


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