me most is the absence of meat is not difficult, but for some reason I like lentil soup only with sausage insert really happy. Never mind, here too there are many meat substitutes - and there are tasty and quite disgusting.
This time, competed against each other: Vegetarian sausages of "Le Gusto (Aldi Süd) and called soy Fit Vienna Art
The Aldi sausages actually see almost exactly like real, just for consistency when cutting is softer. The Berief sausages are individually wrapped in plastic and a little thicker than normal Vienna, but the appearance is (if you removed the plastic cover) also out.
If you heat the sausages in the (incidentally, completely self-made), lentil soup, it will be a little creepy: The Berief sucking sausages in fact full of liquid and grow a little. That is little to inspire confidence, but really disappointing is the taste - namely, they have none. One has only tasteless, spülschwammartige islands in an otherwise good soup.
The Aldi sausages, however, retain their original size and taste in the soup also quite authentic - a bit milder than real wiener, but if you ate a couple of years no one can imagine that they were real ...
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