Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Font Is Used For Real Housewives

other day when I stupid

I write this post on a brand new Macbook Pro. My laptop, its display or dies, for months before her, and the continuous-Apple propaganda around me I was knocked softly over the years.

The purchase decision was therefore not in haste?! Although the choice of a Mac are not that many models to choose from such as PCs, I compared long options (sufficient for the normal Macbook Never enough the smallest model in the Pro Series good? hardly!), pondered over the choice between non-reflective and glossy screen and was looking for a not too expensive purchase opportunity.

Two weeks ago, it was finally time, a good piece is ordered. And yesterday came after a long, tense wait for the UPS man brought to the office and the new device.

Now I'm busy getting to know, think or how I think the best iPhone migrate would be and in and of itself a good mood, if not for one thing would be:

this afternoon unveiled Apple's latest MacBook Pro series. As of now the same price the new models. And I have therefore a single day possessed a current Macbook. Since this afternoon there is an old mill. Well.


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