Happy New Year!
(I do mean, already scarce calligraphy skills are now also rusty, good, that here, hopefully, no unauthorized person is reading Sinologist ...)
We are therefore in the year of the rabbit, is reason enough to steal the last time your review a really excellent blog .
What are good rabbit?
hares and rabbits in particular take within our culture a special position, we value them as "pets" and "meat suppliers" simultaneously. General It seems as if we had set very specific regarding the eating of the bodies of other animals. According to the standards that we grew up, there is a significant moral difference between killing and eating a dog (a cat, a hamster) and the killing and eating a cow (a pig, a chicken). While serving the animals of one group as friends and companions, we bring the individuals of the other group to the world in order to kill them and eat.
only when the rabbits come to confusion: are they there to be shot by us sportsmännisch order from us cherished and pampered bred and shown to the public, or at least to spoil a tasty piece of cadaver our palate? If they are our pets or our prey? Or they are in fact people and not to use objects, such as they exist not for us humans, but for themselves?
With so much uncertainty about how our culture is to position these other species may not apply to cases fail, for example, where an application for placement of an animal home (Subject: rabbit) next to the "meat & ; sausage "indication of a food retailer (Subject: rabbit) reprinted is. However, this seems unthinkable constellation is given to only one other rodent species, such as hamsters, guinea pigs or rats.
rabbit meat killed without sanctions and eaten , but then again not, A few years was an artist sentenced to a fine because he had killed two rabbits in front of audience. While according to statements of the accused was from the outset planned to eat the rabbit, after acted to the court it is still on the passing "of the killing of a vertebrate without good reason" (§ 17 No. 1 Animal Welfare Act). As is clear from the Judgement , was "[t] he act of killing is not subordinated to the later consumption, but stood on top". It is "a difference between killing an animal to get it to feed its use or whether such an animal is killed in front of an audience to impress through the act of killing."
I believe that we have the right to life and freedom all rabbits whether for the purposes of art or which should ignore the culinary pleasure. I am also of the view that a rabbit does not matter if it is killed before an audience or in the seclusion of a slaughter house, if it loses his life for their meat or to stage an art performance.
from the ruling: "A morally responsible use is a behavior does not, in which an independent living being is killed in order to impress by the act of killing the audience." Is a morally responsible use of it however is very much in the ten million independent living beings are sacrificed to the to earn the sale of body parts more money [] . For quite outstanding handling sometimes even a moral Merit in it. And, unfortunately, do not stay the two rabbits are the only vertebrates with their murder other people impressed be to .
What are good rabbit?
hares and rabbits in particular take within our culture a special position, we value them as "pets" and "meat suppliers" simultaneously. General It seems as if we had set very specific regarding the eating of the bodies of other animals. According to the standards that we grew up, there is a significant moral difference between killing and eating a dog (a cat, a hamster) and the killing and eating a cow (a pig, a chicken). While serving the animals of one group as friends and companions, we bring the individuals of the other group to the world in order to kill them and eat.
only when the rabbits come to confusion: are they there to be shot by us sportsmännisch order from us cherished and pampered bred and shown to the public, or at least to spoil a tasty piece of cadaver our palate? If they are our pets or our prey? Or they are in fact people and not to use objects, such as they exist not for us humans, but for themselves?
With so much uncertainty about how our culture is to position these other species may not apply to cases fail, for example, where an application for placement of an animal home (Subject: rabbit) next to the "meat & ; sausage "indication of a food retailer (Subject: rabbit) reprinted is. However, this seems unthinkable constellation is given to only one other rodent species, such as hamsters, guinea pigs or rats.
rabbit meat killed without sanctions and eaten , but then again not, A few years was an artist sentenced to a fine because he had killed two rabbits in front of audience. While according to statements of the accused was from the outset planned to eat the rabbit, after acted to the court it is still on the passing "of the killing of a vertebrate without good reason" (§ 17 No. 1 Animal Welfare Act). As is clear from the Judgement , was "[t] he act of killing is not subordinated to the later consumption, but stood on top". It is "a difference between killing an animal to get it to feed its use or whether such an animal is killed in front of an audience to impress through the act of killing."
I believe that we have the right to life and freedom all rabbits whether for the purposes of art or which should ignore the culinary pleasure. I am also of the view that a rabbit does not matter if it is killed before an audience or in the seclusion of a slaughter house, if it loses his life for their meat or to stage an art performance.
from the ruling: "A morally responsible use is a behavior does not, in which an independent living being is killed in order to impress by the act of killing the audience." Is a morally responsible use of it however is very much in the ten million independent living beings are sacrificed to the to earn the sale of body parts more money [] . For quite outstanding handling sometimes even a moral Merit in it. And, unfortunately, do not stay the two rabbits are the only vertebrates with their murder other people impressed be to .
only when the rabbits come to confusion: are they there to be shot by us sportsmännisch order from us cherished and pampered bred and shown to the public, or at least to spoil a tasty piece of cadaver our palate? If they are our pets or our prey? Or they are in fact people and not to use objects, such as they exist not for us humans, but for themselves?
With so much uncertainty about how our culture is to position these other species may not apply to cases fail, for example, where an application for placement of an animal home (Subject: rabbit) next to the "meat & ; sausage "indication of a food retailer (Subject: rabbit) reprinted is. However, this seems unthinkable constellation is given to only one other rodent species, such as hamsters, guinea pigs or rats.
rabbit meat killed without sanctions and eaten , but then again not, A few years was an artist sentenced to a fine because he had killed two rabbits in front of audience. While according to statements of the accused was from the outset planned to eat the rabbit, after acted to the court it is still on the passing "of the killing of a vertebrate without good reason" (§ 17 No. 1 Animal Welfare Act). As is clear from the Judgement , was "[t] he act of killing is not subordinated to the later consumption, but stood on top". It is "a difference between killing an animal to get it to feed its use or whether such an animal is killed in front of an audience to impress through the act of killing."
I believe that we have the right to life and freedom all rabbits whether for the purposes of art or which should ignore the culinary pleasure. I am also of the view that a rabbit does not matter if it is killed before an audience or in the seclusion of a slaughter house, if it loses his life for their meat or to stage an art performance.
from the ruling: "A morally responsible use is a behavior does not, in which an independent living being is killed in order to impress by the act of killing the audience." Is a morally responsible use of it however is very much in the ten million independent living beings are sacrificed to the to earn the sale of body parts more money [] . For quite outstanding handling sometimes even a moral Merit in it. And, unfortunately, do not stay the two rabbits are the only vertebrates with their murder other people impressed be to .
want then I point also to three videos that have shocked me in the last few days really heavy, they are not for the faint of heart, the Schwizer sized Moderation will shortly later by a High German contribution removed:
this, the latest campaign by PETA China : There
An online petition concerning rabbit cage is also available, plus you have to log on, however briefly. I also recommend a look at the related discussion: ? Https: / / epetitionen.bundestag.de / index.php action = petition; sa = details; petition = 15 755
Maybe you can get with enforcement of this petition at least a little something for the "hands".
Maybe you can get with enforcement of this petition at least a little something for the "hands".
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