Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Libby/libby/shortfinancial Accounting

Are purchased in February

Hello my dear readers,

today it is again a raid post submitted by me, by showing you the things I bought in February.
In the following months several OotD and EOTD I give I hope that's ok, I do not know that is not exactly when I get time again to test something right and you write a review.
And you also want to post missing part * click *

My mother gave me on Saturday at the replay Müller perfume "your fragrance!" bought for 22.95 €. I have wished for so long but have just never bought it but I do not know why: D

Now the cosmetic things that I bought once the Catrice powder for 3,49 € and the lipstick "gentle beige "for 2,99 €. In Douglas I bought the Artdeco Setting Powder for 7.50 €. And then I've still taken the essence multi action but I must say I am not satisfied with it.

have at Mister * Lady I bought great earrings for 2,95 €

And then I once again ordered from emp and there was this great case for 6,95 €


Mac Desmume How To Play Pokemon Heart Gold

Recycling: God Hates Fags (Supposedly)

Even a few years since the link wrong the ultimate list of gay (or straight) bands now doing "through the network. The site still exists and continues to provide amusement. a list of bands, that to hear the details of the author, according to make gay -

Today I got this link

sent: time I wrote. Wow!

On the list are also included Depeche Mode, which I now have been my 15th Age listen to regularly and completely clueless in terms of their effect. Why I'm gay now and certainly not be recoverable. The question is really only if I were a gay girl à la fat bread bin - or simply a gay man who is trapped in a woman? Tough question, but which I must answer well alone.

The bands that made it to the list are a fairly bizarre choice. Cole Porter was gay, of course. Elton John is even emphasized as a (really gay). Does George Michael (texan) such that there is an even gay, Texas, George? But how is the recognized homophobic Eminem, pardon, Eminmen on this list, and what he says well that? What lies behind the term "dark gay" except apparently Marilyn Manson? What has just Frank Sinatra lost here? And you can already pick up any one gay music listening to bands amplified by the positive list as the complete unschwulen Cindy Lauper? Questions, questions.

Actually, it sounds already so bizarre that one might think for South-US reality - if the denial of evolution as a tenable alternative teaching allows or toddlers showing of sexual harassment, it can certainly come out that music listening homosexuality triggers (and that this should be dealt with then).

If one looks at the page but a little, it does not feel that a large group is behind it, nor that it is particularly successful. The page author, Donnie Davies complains, in fact, that his song "God Hates Fags" removed from YouTube and his MySpace profile was deleted. The crowd of fans so this time does not seem too huge.

Donnie claims to be a reformed gay man who has to God (and the "normality") is found, and now wants to help others to go the same way. Support he feels it just by an Oscar Wilde quote, which rotates the poor Oscar now safely in the grave. And we should give up being gay, because (aside from the fact that God is against it) is a difficult road and it then "Faggot" is mentioned.

interesting approach. Then one can also combat sexism, removing women. I have to call the same time the Emma .

Poor Donnie. Hopefully he can, if it's there and he really mean at some point and want to be happy.

When I called the site again today, it turned out to be surprisingly well maintained: In the meantime you can watch Donnie's video again, and Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber have the pop, Vampire Weekend, Fleet Foxes and Interpol in the dangerous area indie bands joined. School of Seven Bells is also mentioned as a "gay twins," and one must commend Donnie's zeal knows After all these Band hardly anyone. At the most bizarre remain additional comments in brackets, such as Kate Bush (kissed a girl) or Sigur Rós (nudists).

Monday, March 7, 2011

Berger Paints Color Chart Scheme

Meditative Kästkenmalen - color entanglement for a scarf

The wonderful walnußschalengefärbte wool Nane will be woven into a scarf: D Also, if it's mild weather slowly, and the next winter to come!
I'm sure a color integration into his head and who needs mandalas, if you draw well cartridges can;)

Am I still disagree: Is this still "alive" or even " restless "? Should I again go deep in meditation?

From strand to skein and then coil the yarn is already.

Calculator Temperature Melting Pcr Product

favorite outfit ♥

cardigan: new york, top: takk0 , leggings: h & m, shoes: Deichmann

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Much Does Warped Tour Cost

books questionnaire (17): Close your eyes and any book from the shelf take

I cheated! But it is as I said quite difficult to put all my favorites in this questionnaire, and therefore I can not really just any book from the shelf and be at risk from present here grenades like Charlaine Harris, while completely as a consequence of real favorites to mention . remain And definitely in the latter category is Max Barry. Everyone who works in an office should, once Company (German: top priority have read), and anyone with marketing experience Syrup (German: Fukk , but not in the trade): Both books describe frightening plausible, as it would if its own, everyday experience of working in their absurdity even a tiny little would be increased - the result is equally insane, funny and - here is an art - to understand.

And anyone who has ever thought about the logical end result of increasing privatization and thus increasing power of large corporations made against a public body, it should once with Jennifer Government (German: Logoland ) attempt. Again, Barry's fantasy story is terrifying realistic. In the near future, the world's power lies with corporations like Nike, McDonald's, or Shell. While there are still states and also public institutions like the police, but they have minimal opportunities to act, as they too have to work a profit.

In the novel, Nike decided to market a new gym shoe with the fact that being shot in the rush to the new releases people indiscriminately (and supposedly other customers) - this is the desirability of the artificially abbreviated and extremely expensive shoe increased immeasurably. The berauftragte with this action-Nike employees, does not dare to perform well in this reality morally dubious indeed, and goes to the police. This is not about stepping in, but offers itself to carry out the murders and passes the order equal to the NRA. And the titular Jennifer Government (all people who are adversely affected instead of a last name that of her employer) is trying to find in this maze of outsourcing amok MUCH free market economy something with which they can prove a crime Nike.

As I said, the true horror effect is that you ask yourself reading again and again, how likely such a scenario is, and inevitably cause an already existing tendencies in the head, as sponsored by U.S. companies such as textbooks or the BP scandal.

a vision that after reading a long do not let go of everything, and would certainly put himself well on film - only to find sponsors in this case would certainly quite difficult ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Cinematic Orchestra Sheet Music

Heal heal chalk - the funnel soaps Second

Even better - we're getting closer: D

The soap batter thickened to the same as in the first, but as always and everywhere: the technology makes and practice to master (viiiiiiiel still have to practice!).

recipe was the same as before, except the egg was replaced by 50 g Rügen healing chalk. Scented with fragrance oil and Olive Lush ÄÖ Lemon grass. One part was colorless, the colorful strips of color were ultramarine violet and coal plants.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Famous Antisocial Individuals

Study on the vegan diet

The Vegan Society Germany linked yesterday on their Facebook page the call participate in a study.
would be interesting to participate, especially for those who are uncertain in their eating habits and the like to have a realistic assessment of their nutrient intake.
An arrival is not necessary.

Hello, my name is Daniel Jahns and I'm studying Nutritional Sciences at the University of Anhalt. In a research project of the University is A study on eating habits conducted by vegans and for that I need your help.
If you live vegan himself, and like you participate reports ask you to vegstudie2011@hotmail.de .
If you do not even vegan living, but people know who do it, I ask you to tell them about the project.
exact details of the study are then sent over to you, because the occurrence of study depend on the number of participants. But this much should be said: For the study must be documented for seven days, all supplied food.
Participants will for their trouble, of course, a reward obtained, which consists of a personal, comprehensive overview of nutrient intake, based on your sent is created and you will be sent. In addition, you carry through your participation to raise awareness of the diet and thus a further piece to the acceptance of those with.
I hope that I could spark your interest and you numerous reports.
With best regards Daniel

Milena Velba Bus Forced

DFB Cup with Elmo and Kami

One looks at the ball, the other - obviously without understanding - her sister. Whether they're cheering Duisburg and Cottbus is not known ...

Gifts For Daughter For 3 Rd Birth Day

An egg on a secret mission - Funnel soap

The Dorte love me with her beautiful freihandgetrichterten clays soap infected - how can it be otherwise!
The Division had to be filled with the following recipe:

110 g coconut oil
150 g palm kernel oil
75 g cocoa butter
190 g almond oil
190 g rapeseed oil
40 g castor oil

10% too rich
30% liquid for liquor (distilled water and NaOH 1:1; remaining amount as a sheep's milk yogurt in the soap batter)

1 egg (mixed with yogurt) in the soap batter

scented with 20 g essential oil blend (lemon balm indicum, American Cedar, patchouli)
dyed with titanium dioxide, DC and DC remained Brilliant Pink Blue Green

Unfortunately, the glue is not as long as liquid as I would have wished for. Instead it was more an Einplatschen pour into the mold. So it was just not quite as fine layers * cough *.
has also so 'what - for my first getrichterte I am quite satisfied.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Marilyn Monroe Restroom

flesh: Wiener

me most is the absence of meat is not difficult, but for some reason I like lentil soup only with sausage insert really happy. Never mind, here too there are many meat substitutes - and there are tasty and quite disgusting.

This time, competed against each other: Vegetarian sausages of "Le Gusto (Aldi Süd) and called soy Fit Vienna Art

The Aldi sausages actually see almost exactly like real, just for consistency when cutting is softer. The Berief sausages are individually wrapped in plastic and a little thicker than normal Vienna, but the appearance is (if you removed the plastic cover) also out.

If you heat the sausages in the (incidentally, completely self-made), lentil soup, it will be a little creepy: The Berief sucking sausages in fact full of liquid and grow a little. That is little to inspire confidence, but really disappointing is the taste - namely, they have none. One has only tasteless, spülschwammartige islands in an otherwise good soup.

The Aldi sausages, however, retain their original size and taste in the soup also quite authentic - a bit milder than real wiener, but if you ate a couple of years no one can imagine that they were real ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Much Money Is Jessie James Worth

Acid Rinse - spiced up

As dedicated Haarseifennutzerin I need to shampooing something that smooths the hair structure back - something acidic - and the headdress usually allows it.

Over time I tested my way through several variations, ranging from lemon and various vinegars that have been spiced up by and by various means.

So I found out everything for me that a simple clear apple vinegar on my hair and - from my scalp well tolerated - especially important.
It smells just not very nice;)

Ergo, I extended my attempts at adding essential Oils. Liked the nose a lot better and the hair too: they were easier to comb and got a bit more shine.
Sun all but I was still not satisfied because the mixture of vinegar / ÄÖs not stayed together. Is to say, the oil floating on top forever. Marit I got in NSF SuperTip but the lysolecithin used. Lo and behold, not only the ÄÖs emulsified fine, even my hair gets that extra bit of care by the LL quite wonderful. The otherwise quite dry lengths contribute by far not as stohig.

"Well," I thought to myself. As might be even more. And Come now still a few drops of oil into the mixture.

And this is now my ultimate blend of:

5 g of warm water
4 g lysolecithin (is aiming works, with the heavy mass but never exactly)
90 g of heated clear apple vinegar
1.8 g essential oil blend (consisting of plenty of lavender, a little less grapefruit (because I do not Orange tolerate) a little rosemary, Atlas cedar, cypress and Minischwups patchouli and sage)
1 g argan oil (because I would like in the future times jojoba or almond oil or castor oil test above)

Sun stir me the whole thing together (to be now that the Rührerfahrenen of you probably throw up his hands above his head) Stir
First, the lysolecithin in water, then stir in the vinegar (as the practical frother is used again), einquirlen the essential oils and the vegetable oil in the end - that's it.

From this hodgepodge I give after washing the hair about 2 tablespoons full into a 1 liter measuring cup which is always next to the shower, fill with warm water on it and cannot, ranging from the lengths of the "hair" * cough *. Again with clear water rinse well and well is:)

The hair is very easy to comb after blow-drying have fine volume and shine, the lengths do not seem dry and the scalp is stress-free * shines *

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Font Is Used For Real Housewives

other day when I stupid

I write this post on a brand new Macbook Pro. My laptop, its display or dies, for months before her, and the continuous-Apple propaganda around me I was knocked softly over the years.

The purchase decision was therefore not in haste?! Although the choice of a Mac are not that many models to choose from such as PCs, I compared long options (sufficient for the normal Macbook Never enough the smallest model in the Pro Series good? hardly!), pondered over the choice between non-reflective and glossy screen and was looking for a not too expensive purchase opportunity.

Two weeks ago, it was finally time, a good piece is ordered. And yesterday came after a long, tense wait for the UPS man brought to the office and the new device.

Now I'm busy getting to know, think or how I think the best iPhone migrate would be and in and of itself a good mood, if not for one thing would be:

this afternoon unveiled Apple's latest MacBook Pro series. As of now the same price the new models. And I have therefore a single day possessed a current Macbook. Since this afternoon there is an old mill. Well.

How To Make Guinea Cuddle Cup

a good thing - helping Christchurch

from the devastating earthquake in New Zealand we have all heard and seen the shocking images.

For all creative Christine has a DaWanda shop a chance created to help with a donation.

all those who may not even be creative on the road, but like to surround themselves with extraordinary skill, of course, also help - namely, buy it now , buy ;)

so if your interested has already can choose from many cool things. Among other things, this soap dish made of soapstone;)

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Scrum in Action: MSDN Workshop - Agile Software Development with Scrum and Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 on MSDN

Modul 3: Scrum mit Visual Studio & TFS 2010

Scrum to "touch"

already the second time was what 12 participants different Kolleur (from the developer, team leader, until the release manager, with and without Scrum previous experience) in 2 days in 3 Scrum teams can reach a Teamwork: Sprint 1 läuft demanding product owner, so it was in this MSDN workshop.

The " success formula" for the seminar was a combination of the following areas:

  • Scrum - as a simple and easy Fortschritt immer im Block: Burndown Chart und Definition of Done , to be implemented framework of methods for project management
  • Tools - the right tools: Visual Studio & Team Foundation Server 2010
  • Practices - agile, distributed software engineering practices

first theory, then practice - the end :

  • Day 1 Morning: Introduction, Scrum Basics, simulation
  • Volle Konzentration beim Scrum Ball Game Day 1 afternoon: Scrum with Visual Studio & Team Foudation Server 2010
  • Day 2 morning: Sprint 1
  • Day 2 afternoon: Sprint 2 and Scrum FAQ
release after each sprint

the end it was to see three different and interesting results and a zufriedneen Product Owner. What impressed me most was that productivity gains are possible (the team in the first sprint only 12 points managed so it was after several operations 121 ), if one creates the right conditions for teamwork :

  • The team had complete freedom to change things.
    (and it had to get used to it)
  • The team was able to focus on the task (read: was not interrupted).
  • The team had set out to correct "free time" (retrospective) between the runs to the strategy (as was the enormous increase in productivity possible).

(to be conducted thanks to Microsoft Scheiz for the opportunity this workshop in honor worthy Kullisse to!)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Changehome Phone Number Rogers Promotion

was recycling: The worst seatmate in the world

This story ereignte in 2006 and remains to this day unforgettable.

It is Sunday afternoon, and exactly how, as measured by the fullness of my turn, everyone else in Germany, I am just concerned with the long weekend in my home to go back.

My train consists of several parts, one of which apparently has gone lost, so the other half an hour standing around uselessly in Regensburg, before they could proceed with new cars. It is hot, most are reserved seats and some passengers have to crouch on the floor in front of the doors. Many toilets are locked, are before the rest of snakes. The delay increases slowly but steadily to 50 minutes.

All the spoils me not happy. I'm looking at my seat reservation and the fact that I finally got on the train seats, and happy reading in my exciting book. But then ER.

ER was evident at an exhibition in Nuremberg and is packed with at least five bags of advertising motifs. He sits on the only empty seat on the train, which, is right next to me. His bags he placed in the corridor, so that anyone who wants to pass, must rise above. He's beside me as wide as possible, so I'm parked completely, and falls asleep immediately.

Since he sits, gets a funny smell after wide unwashed clothes. I take a look beside me and noticed that my new seatmate with slippers. And then, that his jeans in the crotch area, a damp place. I turn again to my horror book and weigh up the options.

another seat I will not find it. And I would like to be distributed is not either. On the other hand, I feel an retching. I decide that the guy is sure to get in Würzburg. With slippers and without case you do not normally travel so far. The one hour I can stand and do my focus to perceive the body as sweat and moisture to think otherwise of freshly ground coffee.

Würzburg comes. The type sleeping. After all, a short time later, finally comes to the controller, who wakes up the guy and offers me an opportunity to escape to the bathroom.

When I return after a quarter hour, the bags are no longer in the corridor, but to my place. In one of them the guy has clearly visible both my water bottles (one full, one empty) packed, were in the seat pocket in front of me. Me he says "Oh, I'm the warmth of you got out." "Where?" I reply very unfriendly - the train has not even held for Würzburg. I pack the bottles back without comment in the seat pocket.

The House wearer babble Hessian, so far it is clear him that I still have to endure an hour. And yes, it rises not in Hanau, but to me to Frankfurt, where he wishes me a pleasant evening. I also.

How To Getty Images Without Watermarks

[Review] essence - eyeliner pen

Today I will read something new from me, and indeed a review groups on the essence eyeliner, which have so I also wanted some when I posted the haul.

The eyeliner pen costs € 2.49 and contains 1ml.
"For a precise Lidstiche" this is the product promise.
And I ka nn agree fully, because I get the eyeliner very quickly and well plotted.
come with this marker type I cope better with a dip or geleyeliner (Before that, yes the geleyeliner always my favorite).
I mostly fallow already 5-8 minutes for the perfect eyeliner with the eyeliner, but works the first go Lidstich too.
He is also really good from blackness, is smudge-proof and long lasting.
I am convinced of the pen eyeliner and I will buy more to me over and over again.
Have you also done this experience with an eyeliner pen?

Digitus Da-vc211a Win7 Treiber

most embarrassing sitting next to the world

It is Sunday afternoon, and I find myself on the train from Passau in Dortmund. As always, the high capacity is full, and my friend and I have got hold seats at the tables. Across from us sits a man, as we end 30 that his ticket has visibly put before him on the table. I can see, at first without much interest that he has gone only on Saturday from Cologne to Regensburg and now is on the way back.

begins after a short drive our guide obviously, getting bored, he may not have his laptop with his bechäftigen tabloid. Finally, he reaches for the phone calls to a friend and begins to tell it by just last weekend. First, he speaks English, but then changes into German, which at least gives me the impression that the initial communicative English is not necessary, but was affectation. This is also suggested that he "call" in the German and strange words like "Gym" is used. mixed

In German and English, we hear, and sitting well with us young woman next to the said Lord that this was in Regensburg, in order to meet an acquaintance. Obviously we knew itself more from the Internet, but was never in real life encounters. We learn that we spent a pleasant evening and eventually ended up in bed (quote: "And then got 'I just laid in her bed when she was in the bathroom" (...) "and then we went down to business") which was fully relaxed and straightforward but, as both parties are single.

The story takes quite a few more details about the circumstances of the one-night stands, and I wonder more and more that my counterpart of that conversation clearly audible in the full dump cars out. Was that English may be a very stupid attempt to get less in a secret language (who speaks for even English?) pronounce?

If I were not too busy with the very suppress my laughter, I would have liked to ask the man some things - after all he has given us all so confronted with the story. Long after an otherwise uneventful trip, I imagine, as I did after hanging up quite cool wonder if and how was for contraception. And if he is sure that his acquaintances things look so easy and relaxed. And where he goes for next weekend.

Incidentally, this is not the strangest story that happened to me so far on the train. To be continued.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Add Cheats Pokemon Orange To Gpsphone

Delicious Relish

even if not for the "beauty" is stirred, then it's for tummy.

Relish The two I have boiled down to our last raclette. Taste but also good with fondue, grilled meats, pasta, rice or simply on freshly baked bread.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Prevent Burning Eyes From Onions

flesh: Burger

The last post on this subject is already several months ago, but I still like to try good and not so good meat substitute products. can I use the same two categories with the recently organized Burger comparison.

entered the race two pre-Burger Vegetaria (Eyckeler & Malt) and Berief soy Fit . Even when unpacking Vegetaria saw the burger from a lot of convincing and fits in size much better on the finished hamburger buns. After cooking confirmed the first impression: Vegetaria was less dry and tasted better than soybean Fit. For the satisfactory consumption were much ketchup, cucumbers, tomatoes and Cheese required. And another thing I've learned: One should not eat two burgers, that is really too much.

Berief - at the edge is much bread left

also in other comparisons has confirmed this verdict: I have been really good every Vegetaria product tasted. Irritating is simply that if you look to the manufacturer Eyckeler & Malt a website that meets only on major Butchers in space Hilden. One wonders, therefore, somewhat concerned, whether in Hilden and soy pigs.

Vegetaria - but looks even better

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Cockapoo Puppy Will Not Eat

soap holder in alabaster

cold is he in the cellar - long does it frostbite as there is not enough. Drum happened in the last Not much time at the stone front. But little by little I know of a morsel-grated semi-transparent alabaster.

love Nane, this could be your soap dish to be in exchange for your wonderful walnußschalengefärbte wool - so you like it:) has

Friday, February 18, 2011

Skoal Pouches On Sale

The thing about the sustainability

Recently, the issue of sustainability, not least because of the deals recently broadcast film "Now for the dump," on some blog, if they not even employ almost exclusively with them (such as Juliet Mixxed greens (lesenswert!))
Now, the very broad topic, so I would like to add my only 2 cents, so what I'm currently the main problems identified in my consumer behavior have what I want to change and especially what I have to change with my modest means ever can .

I was brought up by my parents already very environmentally aware, so far some things for me have always been self-evident in the concrete green electricity, water can not run, repair dripping faucets, no overheat, own Take measures against heat loss, public transport prefer to pack fruit in a supermarket not individually in plastic bags to avoid a total packaging waste, natural materials prefer to separate the recycling, saving paper.
But lurking everywhere traps.

My palm oil in the moment of greatest concern: Palm oil. I want to really say much because I have to elsewhere schonmal wrote a long entry to it.
Unfortunately this is a problem that many closed-and expensive natural cosmetics manufacturer nor the eyes. Only once again the completeness sake: There is a label for palm oil from "sustainably harvested" (RSPO), but this has caused in recent months for more scandals, than could have been expected. It is specifically not only to individual cases, which is why companies such as Inika , high ethical standards put in their products, refrain from palm oil, until there is a reliable distinction for sustainably grown palm oil.
I recommend anyone who is committed to environmental protection and is committed to sustainability, an intense interest in this topic. Even I know that palm oil is not completely avoidable. However, the consequences are so serious so serious for our future and the future of our world's cultural and biological diversity that we should understand the urgent as a major problem.
(If you're interested in more depth on this issue, I like to write again in detail about what I continue to research and link all relevant sources, films and information on both sides).
I (and I speak here of me all alone) have palm oil banished from my cosmetics, margarine without buying palm oil and fat (which is not healthy anyway) and replace as far as possible palm oil-containing foods with palm oil-free. Easier It makes one's palm oil white list.


Apart from the fact that oil is certainly finite (even if critics say again that this awareness is often used for price gouging), oil is a huge environmental disaster.
by the release of radioactivity about the pollution of species-rich areas, up to date, particularly in the Niger Delta (offered by a documentary ), wars, which are deemed that they performed only for this reason were daily organizer The list can probably continue to spin any themselves.
Contiguous to the problem of plastic. Here I would like to refer to an article in the above mentioned blog Mixxed greens and on this point also cited the film " Plastic Planet".

What to do?
oil is difficult, our entire culture is based on oil and especially as a vegan (and for strict vegetarians) is tight, and I would like to strongly point out that leather is not environmentally friendly alternative (I link here aware Greenpeace not as an environmental and animal welfare organization, but even here the environment of an opinion or animal or environmental protection-oriented information page). Also plastic alternatives made from corn meal or spelled involving, first glance, the environmentalists have heart to cheer, one more than bitter taste: these are again food that are missing in other places and exacerbate world hunger problem considerably. As for palm oil are growing areas of the Third World, our "environmental friendliness" are victims. Rainforest Indians whose tribal area is being cleared, children are starving (generalized and simplistic, the relationships I have not unraveled again exactly).
I am of the opinion that only helps one thing: Limit. I need quite simply, not 50 pairs of shoes, I can also take bus or bike or train times and instead of plastic bags and bottles tuts just cotton, jute or glass.
When cleaning products and other things I make sure that they are not produced from oil.
I avoid waste produce to buy cheap alternatives that fall apart once again, technology sometimes buy second hand and not necessarily the latest phone every two years because I also functions quite simply do not need and separating waste. Too much more I see myself at the moment but also not able to do.

Modern slavery

This is a topic that covers several aspects and, above all several stages of slavery.
Firstly because the clothing industry would be created in any unlawful work conditions, here it is long gone "only" child labor, so horrible this is. Not only that I want to have excluded, but also conditions such as 16h-days for seamstresses who would not find a chair or chatting with their employees may. Maternity leave are not met, people earn so little that they do not even himself, let alone feed their families. Sometimes I think to myself when I read such reports, that not even his slaves would treat, for there would be willfully damaging his property.
This is true for so many things for battery factories in China worked out without mouth protection and groundwater pollution sustainable KIK at home and abroad has become a symbol (as do the others clothing companies not usually far behind), child labor , the list goes endless.
would But I will concentrate on two topics very concisely: Chocolate and coffee.
In connection with a "Comedian" appeared on this blog already on the chocolate theme. I would like very, very strongly on an article refer to Greenpeace because it got me to the topic. For this purpose, it is also a very excellent documentation.
caution is especially chocolate commanded
Many companies operate here greenwashing. Some now have a fair share of traded below 10% and pride themselves on, put it in the media often presented as if they were a "clean" companies. I would strongly indicates that there is still more than 90% from terrible conditions. The plantation owners deserve the chocolate not even enough to feed their own families, as the enslaved children is, everyone can imagine without much imagination.
Fair Trade Chocolate is now available in very high quality levels (eg Zotter). Since chocolate is by far not essential for me now is that fair trade is an exclusion criterion.
same goes for coffee.
That being said, the price differences are not so significant in the cafeteria of my university in the cup of coffee costs 10 cents more fair. I'll pay you.
for clothing (not that I would not have been more than enough of it) I pay now also consistently fair trade. I want and can not support anything more for my luxury.

Food production and transport

One issue to me, quite frankly, still does not fall very easily.
In itself, for climate, environment, all that should (I think this is self-explanatory?) Consume most regionally.
I love mangoes, avocados, bananas, but when I watch you, where my daily food comes from, I sometimes fear that I have the environmental performance of a small coal-fired power plant. Of course, the
may seem ridiculous, especially in light of the energy demand for animal food. However, we must ask ourselves, is whether I with my purchase food from all continents of the World must gather and, above all, where exactly they come from.
region is not the same growing area. There are actually countries, even if it is for us, Central Europeans difficult to see where agriculture and other factors, the Sun drinking water becoming scarce that people thirst. We enrich at their expense. Even for such nonsensical things such as flowers ( caution PDF). Most things are not grown with no impact in the middle of the desert. What does that mean

for me? I buy as much as possible locally. This is not just about the strawberries that I do without in the winter, it pays for to observe all fresh produce the country of origin. Just because it theoretically apples are in Europe, that is, that is unfortunately not that they were not flown in from South Africa.


They are by far not all the relevant sites. A few (cattle, drive a car I've ,...) omitted because they tell me specifically because of my lifestyle does not relate to others I have had quite simply fall by the wayside, because that would be beyond the scope.
runs in the end it always with me out on a trade situation. You can not purely and simply live non-invasive, at least not as long as you want to remain preserved as part of society.
I am not Diogenes, and honestly it would not be. However, I see my responsibility to my harmful impact on the world and my fellow human beings and fellow creatures to minimize as much as possible.
This is the claim which I, out of my ethics, put on myself. I can not enjoy when I know that is made by my fleeting pleasure of finishing off all the cultures that I, at least by my consumption contributed or the manufacturer implicitly give my permission. I will not be part of a society that depends shamelessly with its quasi-imperialist behavior against all my principles. I will quite simply give up what I actually for untenable and unsustainable think what I can not support and will.
what extent my own small contribution to help may be questionable, as long as it only goes to the waiver, here is the mass demand. By then, however, where I can make positive reinforcement by something (such as in fair trade products) my influence is measurable in concrete terms and I improve living conditions and create incentives to demand and, especially, alternatives for the local people.
now I buy a lot of second hand (which I had never before imagined, and I come from a family in which one has no need for the ) and give away, or donate used / used Things rather than simply throw in the bin. What is really broken is recycled as much as possible.
I too have vices. Also, I'm not always dominated, sometimes I have to quarrel informed me so much with my fate and would just like to go for shopping and not think of Australia's sheep tortured, yet exploited children and environmental degradation need and consume just pointless.
But I can not. Somehow, as if you jumped through a glass, and can not go back because what was hidden behind their own reflection, not by their own vanity, may be covered.
I stand for a few years ago in a jungle of cruelty. Everything which I measure my moral values is what I am doing destroyed. Sometimes I feel like I am in Brecht's poem, To Posterity, even if the relationship really is not the same.
It's late. We believe
not like it, but I'm sitting now for almost three hours on this entry and until I read it correct, it is once again well after midnight.
I wanted to accuse anyone, I just want to make clear just what moves me at the moment where to go and what my journey is to me as part of the sustainability debate flared up again and again haunt the mind.
you feel free to comment, I'm curious about your opinion.

Really To the Coming
, I live in dark times!
A guileless word is an absurdity. A smooth forehead
Indicates insensitivity. The Laughing
has received the devastating news not only

What are these times when
A conversation about trees is almost a crime Because it is
a kind of silence about injustice!
he who walks calmly across the street
Is he not out of reach of his friends
In trouble?

It's true: I work for my living
But believe me, that's just a coincidence. Nothing
From what I do, I am authorized to eat my fill.
I am spared by chance. (If my luck, I'm lost.)

They tell me: eat and drink! Be glad you did!
But how can I eat and drink, when I
snatch the hungry, what I eat, and my glass of water
who thirst?
.. and yet I eat and drink I would be happy to

as in the old books, what wisdom is:
Avoid the strife of the world and
spend the short time without fear
do without violence
repay evil with good
not meet his needs in mind but as

Applies to all that I can not.
Really, I live in dark times!




you, which you will emerge from the flood
In which we have sunk

Remember, if you speak of our weaknesses, Also of the dark period

The Flee her.

We went however, more variable than our shoes
countries through the class war, despairing
When there was only injustice and no outrage

We know.
; Even the hatred of squalor
Distorts the trains.
Even anger against injustice Makes the voice hoarse
. Ah, we
We wanted to prepare the ground not ourselves be kind of kindness Could

But you, when will it happen
That man to man Think of us a helper

With forbearance.

Bertolt Brecht could