But because soooo many fine blogs on the wide web, gives me the decision not a difficult one, to whom I pass the baton. Well, I have selected three candidates and I hope that no one is angry with me.
The first heart I want to hand over Liz. On her blog post Panama Maxi she tells wonderfully refreshing, down to earth and humorous stories from her life, so I often find myself in it again and can draw courage.
The second point I would like to give a heart Hellcat. On her blog can Hellcats' Soap World they share with the entire world soap makers and all interested in her numerous soap and wonderful experiments. I know their soap cellar, and I am every time whether their work impressed.
The third and last heart I entrust Helga. Your blog binding point is the place "... where my textile work, the inspiration of creative friends and observations of nature are connected to each other ..." (quote from her blog). This idea pleases me and my Weber heart beats faster each time you visit her blog a few bars.
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