Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Crankshaft Open Skidoo



was with said that all previously posted lists "Jung lists" were, so I try to compensate with a decidedly feminine category - here are my top shoe purchases of 2010! Somehow I feel like on Ebay ...

5th Pumps (or is it still boots?) By Goertz. So far, even under Pain worn. Of which were so reduced, and I like it like that of love that I occasionally run in probably times must.

4th Shelly's boots. still brand new and never worn. The aim of the shopping, it was actually "a little snow suitable" purchase. Whether with the sales and suede leather can be said? But the ice-like I did so well that the reason exposed.

third Wedge Sandals by Dominici. The most comfortable shoes this top 5 list. I have searched in 2010 after a long beautiful sandals, and when I here these finally had the heat wave was already nearly over again. Hopefully the summer of 2011 will be extremely hot ...

second Boots by Belmondo. Finally a reasonably sensible purchasing decision: With the heel keeps it one day in length, and they also fit on virtually everything.

first Pumps by Bally. A super special offer purchase at the airport - the Frankfurter Bally shop I would not even trust me to enter ... We were together at my company Christmas party, and I regret to report that my Feet have hair just as hurt as they always do so in equal H & M shoes. But I still like the luxury things very much.


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